Sensation is a product of our central nervous system. If it's pleasant we want more and if not, we physically contract away from the cause. If that's not possible, like meditating in an Indian temple at 5:30am in summer -- breakfast time for mosquitoes -- then we simply need to find a way to surrender to the sensation of hundreds of mosquitoes feeding on us. The more ones resists the more disturbing the sensation becomes.
Emotions are a chemical reaction, at a cellular level, and a product of the limbic and endocrinal systems. By the time we become aware of an emotion, the chemical reaction has already taken place and it's impossible to reverse. The best we can do is sit it out, because no decision taken from within either a pleasant or unpleasant drug induced state (a strong emotional state) is ever going to be a well informed or particularly intelligent.
But the wait isn't a long one because an emotion only lasts between eight to twelve seconds, unless we reintroduce the thought stream which provoked the emotional to begin with. This continues until we cease thinking about whatever it is that provoked the limbic and endocrinal response. Hint: count to ten or ten deep breathes.
Emotional mastery means letting the emotion pass without getting provoked into action and then, if necessary of altering the stream of thoughts.
So what is a feeling and how is it different to an emotion?
A feeling is how we experience, or the experiential consequence of a state of consciousness, or a state of mind. It's how we experience the subtle pattern of our electromagnetic radiation … and more subtle levels. Different patterns have different feelings. Although there are many variations of feelings, they all fall into one of three categories;
Contracted, like fear, anxiety or frustration.
Neutral or relaxed like serene, tranquil even joy.
Expansive like interested, excited or intrigued.
Unlike emotions, feelings can change in a milli-second and stick around for years. Feelings because they translate into the physical experience of limit, tranquillity and intrigue form the foundation upon which all other mindset assumptions are layered. Mastering feelings is mastering our state of mind or consciousness.
It's not that it's difficult to do, it's more that mastering states of consciousness requires a different technique to emotions (let them pass) and sensations (surrender to). Contracted feelings need to be relaxed and relaxed feelings need to be focused through inquiry, purpose and interest.
More importantly though is the effect that feelings have on both the qualitative and qualitative dimensions of our relationships and systems. It's hard to believe that such a almost insignificant thing can end up being so important ...
Thanks Paul for taking up this meaningful topic. I would like to put more thoughts on it by asking myself - How will I interpret differently if I put people behind these words. She is a sensational person; she is a emotional person and she is a feeling type of person.
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie. Yes a sensual person focusses on [pleasant] sensation, an emotional person on emotions and a feeling person on feelings. We all have access to all three all the time, but some of us are more naturally attuned to one bandwidth than another.
DeleteSensation is the easiest to consciously identify and master, next emotions and then feelings, although we are affected by all three all of the time. By this I mean, just because I may not acknowledge feelings, it does not mean they do not exist or that they do not affect me. It simply means life is less complex because I don't take them into account.
Mastering sensation [and our addiction to pleasant sensation] and emotion is more complex than just sensation. And mastering sensation, emotion and feeling more complex than sensation and emotion.
But of course this does not mean that just because I have mastered emotions, I have also mastered sensations. So I'm sure you can see that it can get sophisticated quickly.
Sensation, emotion and feeling are three distinct systems which interact and impact each other, just as thought and intuition are separate and distinct systems impacting and affecting all other physiological and psychological systems.
Just like the echo-systems of our planet.