23 December 2010

7 Liberating Perspectives

It's the end of the year and it's Christmas and I want to leave you with some blessing, some love and 7 liberating perspectives to contemplate over the season.

So wishing you a blessed Christmas and the most prosperous and abundant New Year possible. I will be making extraordinary efforts next year to provide you with more information, more tools and more support to help you do just that.

Perspective One 

No matter who, or where you are, you're always at the your beginning. 

Is this true? Not sure, and does it matter? It's just a very helpful way of facing the uncertainty and complexity of living.

There's something liberating in acknowledging that you're at the beginning. It's exciting, challenging and a little scary, but it's also open and filled with potential and possibility and untarnished with the clutter and regret of yesterday.

15 December 2010

Stressed and Frustrated? Switch on the Lights.

Your INTUITION provides you with the ability to

  • Anticipate the future 
  • Prioritise the present 
  • Feel more empowered and confident 
  • Make better, more aligned decision's. 

With intuition your future is approachable, the present has purpose and the past wisdom. Without it the future is frightening, the present confusing and the past overwhelming.

To some greater of lesser degree we all have a natural ability to develop our intuition. Some will have to work harder at it, for others it will come easily, and a few may have discovered a natural access to it. But with each comes it's own unique set of benefits and challenges.

Intuition alone, is not enough. Without developing your capacity to interpret and respond appropriately to the insights your intuition reveals, you'll simply end up more overwhelmed and confused than ever. It will become a burden rather than a very useful tool in the creative process.

I know, in my late twenties, that was my story. A victim of my own intuition.

10 December 2010

Problem Solving, Enlightened Style

What if there are no problems to solve? 

What if the very idea that there are problems to solve is just another idea born in the Scarcity Mindset, devoid of any real, reality and sustained by the immaturity, unskilful means and irrational fear of the very mindset you use to participate?

What if the Scarcity Mindset itself is the 'problem' - sorry, just can't avoid paradox - and in solving that problem, the idea that there are problems to solve, evaporates.

Tension Deficit  - Germinal Ironworks
Tension is not a Problem 

Let’s create a distinction between PROBLEMS and TENSION and here, as all good researches are prone to doing, let’s get a common definition from Wikipedia.

01 December 2010

Satisfying your needs is Your Life Purpose

The BIG picture 

Life evolves to satisfy it's own insatiable and evolving needs - and that's about as simple as it gets.


Close your eyes and for just a moment give yourself permission to imagine how you would feel, if all your needs where completely satisfied, right now as we speak.

Of course this is somewhat misleading, because if this where the case new ones would already have developed. There is always going to be tension between where we are and were we would like to be.
I call this evolutionary tension or healthy stress. 
One of the reasons we're so cranky as a species is because we're permanently starving. Fulfilling your needs is much like eating a scrumptious meal after being deprived, for what feels like, forever.

And now imagine that your needs are being met as a consequence of your business products meeting the real needs of others.

What could feel better than that?