15 December 2010

Stressed and Frustrated? Switch on the Lights.

Your INTUITION provides you with the ability to

  • Anticipate the future 
  • Prioritise the present 
  • Feel more empowered and confident 
  • Make better, more aligned decision's. 

With intuition your future is approachable, the present has purpose and the past wisdom. Without it the future is frightening, the present confusing and the past overwhelming.

To some greater of lesser degree we all have a natural ability to develop our intuition. Some will have to work harder at it, for others it will come easily, and a few may have discovered a natural access to it. But with each comes it's own unique set of benefits and challenges.

Intuition alone, is not enough. Without developing your capacity to interpret and respond appropriately to the insights your intuition reveals, you'll simply end up more overwhelmed and confused than ever. It will become a burden rather than a very useful tool in the creative process.

I know, in my late twenties, that was my story. A victim of my own intuition.

Intuition has the ability to feel into the future, it's what I call a Higher Mind function. It's not bound by the same laws of time and space as our rational or sub-conscious minds. In much the same way that sub-atomic particles are not bound by the same laws of physics, as lets say atoms, cells or galaxies.

A Thought Experiment

Imagine driving along a narrow winding unfamiliar road at dusk.

  1. The engine, which provides the power is the sub-conscious mind and represents the past and memory 
  2. The driver influencing a few crucial systems and responding to the changing environment, the rational mind. The tyres keeping the vehicle on the road, awareness, and both represent the present, or now. 
  3. The road itself represents the past, present and future, and the twists and turns arising, the events and circumstances in our lives. 

But, without headlights you're not going to be able to anticipate the road ahead

As it gets darker and approaches pitch black, you're going to find yourself with only one of two options, either

  • slow down and eventually stop 
  • stay only roads you know extremely well 

But life doesn't stop, and life doesn't keep you on the same road, no matter how hard you try and how much you resist. The car keeps going, keeps accelerating and the road keeps changing.

So there we have it, you're cruising along a winding, unknown road, it's getting darker by the minute, you have no headlights and there is no way to stop.

You're the driver and there's only so much you can take before ...

... panic, stress, anxiety, anger, frustration, resistance, tension, suffering and the inevitable wipe out. But just as in a game, the nightmare just starts again.

In the story of your life, without access to and mastery of you intuition you're literally driving without headlights. You're driving in the dark.

Intuition is a subtle sense, or a feeling of 'knowing'. And because it's a higher mind function, you are not going to be able to understand it, in a way that is ever going to satisfy your rational, thinking mind.

Intuition is not a gut-feel

A gut-feel is a sub-conscious reaction provoked by circumstances, emerging out of memory - your personal and our collective past.

I meet a guy with shifty eyes and my gut-feel warns me, 'he's not trustworthy'. Why, because historically many of the shifty eyed guy's I've met, where untrustworthy.

Although gut-feel is crucial and necessary, it can't see into the future. All it knows is the past.

The rational, thinking mind can't help 

It knows nothing of the future, it's function is simply to calculate and measure what is already know. An important task if you are making decisions and living in the real world. But it's not the right tool to feel into the future, and know what thread to follow in the present.

And beware of trying to use the rational mind to guide you into the future, and we all do this - it's like using chopsticks to eat soup.

Wrong tool for the job and you'll end up starving to death.

How to develop your Intuition?

Carefully, intentionally and intelligently.

Intuition develops as a consequence of a well structured, integral Mindset Mastery or Personal Development Program.

Developing your intuition is one thing. To understand, interpret and use it skilfully, is quite another. If you try to develop your intuition alone, it's very probable that you're going to end up creating more problems than you solve.

But, for the Intrepid Entrepreneur and Independent Professional, let me outline some landmarks

  1. Clearly understand WHY, it's so important for your well being, quality of life and business success. 
  2. Relax and transform resistance. Struggle makes 'noise' and this inhibits your ability to connect with the very soft and subtle feelings of intuition. 
  3. Recognise and be very attentive to those feelings 
  4. Trust and act on those feeling. And no, you're not going to get it right every time. It's a skill that needs to be developed. 
  5. Developed very particular skills to interpret and respond to those feelings 
  6. Learn a new language, because intuition communicates in a brand, spanking new way. 

But once you've mastered this, you have headlights. You now have the ability to 'lean into' the road ahead, and much of what you thought you feared, evaporates.

Share your story

We all have stories of times when our participation has been guided by a subtle sense of knowing. Share it on the blog comments, or ask a question there.

How intuition helps me respond to my clients

There is no one shoe fits all in Personal Development, Enlightened Business and Mindset Mastery. Although there are core concepts, how they are investigated and the order in which they are explained, varies significantly from client to client.

I allow intuition to guide the sessions and all my client interactions. I am convinced that this is the single biggest reason they make such fast progress, and experience such radical results.


  1. Hey Paul

    This is awesome! The energy of this post is relaxed, flowing and full of information (excellent flow of logic) providing clarity, for me, on the distinction between "gut" feelings and intuition.

    The "story" of driving a car along a road in the dark, without headlights is a wonderful analogy to use and it created, for me, a good, concrete, visual interpretation and understanding of the knowledge contained in this post. An enjoyable read.

    Intuition has served me well over the years, and yes, as you say, at times I was not able to understand it through my rational, thinking mind (and still don't ;-)). I have found that when I have acted on, or relayed, my intuitive feelings, regardless, the light has indeed shone through.

    I have found, too, that when I didn't follow my intuition, and resisted, because I couldn't understand (with my rational, thinking mind) the soft, intuitive voice of the higher mind (as it defies the logic of rational mind) I usually encountered suffering :-)

    Ever since I was a child, upon meeting people, I will get a "gut-feel" of that person, and then, after spending a few moments observing them, or communicating with them, my intuition begins to "speak", and sometimes my gut-feel, which operates on visual recognition (through my physical senses), is at odds with my intuition which recognises, and operates from, a higher energetic sense and allows me to fully "read" that person, regardless of the circumstance or visual appearance.

    As a mother, I have also found, that this inner "knowing" (intuition) has served me well, too - I am sure this applies to Dads, as well.

    So, thank you, for the wonderful newsletters each week, highlighting so many aspects of abundance for us all.


  2. Hey B

    Thx for the awesome feedback and for taking the time to further illustrate the differences between gut-feel and intuition, and for giving us those real life examples.

    Embodying intuition is a skill that we need to learn. The intuition feels so full, and we feel like we could easily verbalize it, or act on it, but its not until we actually try to do that, that we find out how difficult that can be.

    As I said in the post, I don't know how I could coach if I did not have access to, and had developed the skill of verbalizing and acting on my intuition - although it did come at a hefty price.

