23 December 2010

7 Liberating Perspectives

It's the end of the year and it's Christmas and I want to leave you with some blessing, some love and 7 liberating perspectives to contemplate over the season.

So wishing you a blessed Christmas and the most prosperous and abundant New Year possible. I will be making extraordinary efforts next year to provide you with more information, more tools and more support to help you do just that.

Perspective One 

No matter who, or where you are, you're always at the your beginning. 

Is this true? Not sure, and does it matter? It's just a very helpful way of facing the uncertainty and complexity of living.

There's something liberating in acknowledging that you're at the beginning. It's exciting, challenging and a little scary, but it's also open and filled with potential and possibility and untarnished with the clutter and regret of yesterday.

Perspective Two 

Every person has a different beginning. 
Some have it easier, some more difficult, some have more initial success, some less, but whatever your beginning feels like to you, it will change, guaranteed.

For many years I taught Hatha Yoga and one of the most basic observations I can make is. Every student began with their own very specific and unique level of physical strength and suppleness and psychological maturity, awareness and motivation.

Each had it's own benefits and challenges.

Perspective Three 

Everyone starts at the beginning and those who succeed are simply those who get in line and stay in line. 

Imagine there's a line for success and obviously it's a long one, but how many people actually get to the front? Well, not many. Why?

  • Many just look at the line and give up
  • Some spend all there time and energy looking for a shorter one, which there isn't
  • Other's are incessantly jumping up and down, running back and forth, joining the line and then sitting down again and waiting for it to get shorter, which it never does.

Consistency trumps Talents every time., but consistency aligned with Talents creates miracles.

Perspective Four 

Life, God, consciousness is neither for nor against you life and business success. 

Life has no vested interest in seeing you succeed, but it also has no vested interest in seeing your fail.

It's really depends on the intensity of your desire and the extent to which able to transform the resistance you feel.

And you'll experience that resistance in the form of doubt, anger, frustration, limitation, problems, depression and stress.

More desire + less resistance = better results, faster.

Perspective Five 

Life, God, consciousness, does not care whether you have an enjoyable or a miserable life. 

Sounds a little brutal, I know.

But consider this - life is one, God is one, consciousness is one, and how can we talk of morality when there is only one. Morality emerges when we ask the question of how should one treat another, which means that at a minimum, you need to have two.

The universe and everything in it is simply one gigantic echo-system. It's amoral, not immoral, it's care'less', not uncaring, it's impersonal although we experience it personally.

This means it's a clean slate, with the quality of your life depending solely upon your attitude, and the results you experience, to a large extent, on the creativity, intelligence and skilfulness of your behaviour.

Perspective Six 

Mastering your Abundant Mindset will undoubtedly provide you with the biggest bang for your buck. 

The quickest way to get stuck, frustrated and overwhelmed is to focus you attention on trying to control your behaviour, the behaviour of others or the events and circumstances of your life. In these areas you have very little influence and you'll simply end up chasing your own tail.

Your behaviour, the way you feel, interpret, think, talk and act is nothing more than your mindset in action. Your mindset responding to the events and circumstances of your life.

Change your mindset and your behaviour changes, automatically. However, the way you go about changing your mindset is very different to the way you have traditionally gone about trying to control your behaviour. It's a radically and revolutionary NEW methodology.

Perspective Seven 

If and when you find yourself stuck, get a coach or mentor. 

I was watching my 4 year old daughter struggling to do something the other day, but she stubbornly refused to ask for help. On and on she struggled, until eventually there was tears and drama.

Running to her aid came my 5 year old, who then proceeded to help her solve the problem in just a few minutes.

Of course there's value in working it out, but only to a point. When you get stuck, find somebody who knows the answer, and ask them for help.

Sure it's going to cost you money, but then learning by yourself and from your own mistakes is undoubtedly going to cost you more.

Are some of them a little controversial? 

These perspectives may feel a little foreign and some may even feel downright antagonistic. But, I encourage you to contemplate them, and of course I would love to hear your opinions, questions and insights.

Sharing is Caring - or so says Sita, my 5 year old, specially when she wants at my phone - the games :-)

Wishing you an inspired, restful and joyous Christmas and New Year. 

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