31 March 2011

Changing Behaviour And The Future, Naturally And Spontaneously

Standing where I am now, in this present moment, and looking into the future and anticipating the consequences of my behaviour in that future, which I neither like nor want, is not the same as saying that my behaviour now, is wrong or bad.

And accepting my behaviour now, without judgement, and which I can clearly anticipate will have unwanted consequences in the future, is not the same as saying that I should continue behaving in the way I am.

27 March 2011

In Relevance We Find Self-Worth

I am of the opinion that within 10 years, with competent guidance, we can come to master any art we set our heart and minds to, be it the art of mathematics, music, businesses, architecture, communication, living or relationships.

The Challenge for the 'Spiritual' Entrepreneur & Small Business Owner

Do you remember the good old days, when two nations went to war, each convinced that they had God on their side?

So who won?

The Greeks, the Christians, the Muslims, maybe those Zen dudes?

18 March 2011

The Need For Mindset Mastery Is Not Rocket Science

We all know that between athletes of comparable technical expertise, strength and fitness, those who have trained in mindset mastery will, without fail, consistently perform better, achieve greater success and get to enjoy that success more, than those who haven't.

16 March 2011

What Do You Need To Believe In Order To Succeed

I would like to share with you a line of investigation which presented itself to me several weeks back and which has, and is, in the process of re-shaping my understanding of, and the way I related to, life.

The line of investigation is actually very simple

What is it that we really need to believe in order to live a deeply relevant, successful and meaningful life, and as a corollary to that, what is the most powerful personal practice we can engage in, to support and deepen an experience of that (a deeply relevant, successful and meaningful life)?

06 March 2011

An Addiction to Impotence

Have you ever contemplated why so few people ever get around to mastering their mindset, yet most (of us) feel completely entitled to consistently and repetitively moan and groan about the problems and challenges in our life. We get it from others and we inflict it on others, and the sense of entitlement is overwhelming.

I mean, if we talk about the challenges in our lives, without simultaneously making an intelligent and creative inquiring into understanding them, and of developing meaningful solutions, which we act on. Then we are simply moaning and whining and spreading the virus of dis-ease and dis-empowerment.

02 March 2011

Transformation Pt 2 - The Transition Stage

Transformation: Transform - TRANSITION - Embody

Unlike the transform stage, which is all about learning, contemplating, questioning, investigating, of dissolving and dismantling old mindset assumptions, beliefs and behaviour, and then of carefully, deliberately and intentionally developing new, better more functional ones to replace them (the unseen inner work). 

The transition stage is all about a radical shift in your external reality - relationships, work and environment.