06 March 2011

An Addiction to Impotence

Have you ever contemplated why so few people ever get around to mastering their mindset, yet most (of us) feel completely entitled to consistently and repetitively moan and groan about the problems and challenges in our life. We get it from others and we inflict it on others, and the sense of entitlement is overwhelming.

I mean, if we talk about the challenges in our lives, without simultaneously making an intelligent and creative inquiring into understanding them, and of developing meaningful solutions, which we act on. Then we are simply moaning and whining and spreading the virus of dis-ease and dis-empowerment.

So, why mindset?

Why learn to master mindset, what's the big deal?

Mindset is ... well, tricky, and learning to master mindset is demanding and time consuming (or at least that's what we think and are taught to believe)

So why do it?

Well, it really depends on what you want to achieve in your life. The more you desire and the more you want to achieve, the more important it becomes, and the less you desire, the less important it becomes.

Or put another way - The more valuable and relevant you want to become, the more necessary it is, and the less relevant you want to become, the less important it is. And just being alive and not constantly working to deepen your relevance, will automatically ensure your slide into greater irrelevance.

I know you intuitively know this, it's not a great mystery.

Master your mindset and you exponentially increase the probability of living a rewarding, successful, meaning and purpose filled life - If you really want to, but you need to start believing that it's possible, that you can become relevant, if you want to ... That it's not some secret club, you never got an invitation to.

And the trick, at the beginning, simply lies in understanding, what mastery really means.

Mastery means to gain an expert knowledge and skill in a particular subject.

So mastering your mindset, means to gain an expert knowledge and skill in mindset, your mindset. That thing that determines your degree of relevance, and business, relationship and life success.

And, we become masters of our mindset by understanding

  • What mindset is 
  • What mindset does 
  • How mindset works 

And this also means that if we can't answer those questions comprehensively, it's not possible to have mastery, no matter what we may like to believe about ourselves.

And as complex and seemingly demanding as that may be, is immaterial. Start now or start later, it's still going to complex and demanding. However, that being said, it's also liberating, enjoyable and empowering.

I've been working in the field of mindset mastery and transformation for over 10 years, and I consistently see ordinary people (my clients) experience extraordinary results, in months ... not years, not decades, but months.

I say this because I want to impress upon you, the idea that mastering mindset, and the real consequences that flow from this, can be achieved, and can be achieved by ordinary people, like you and I.

The question really is - How addicted are you to your impotence?

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