27 March 2011

The Challenge for the 'Spiritual' Entrepreneur & Small Business Owner

Do you remember the good old days, when two nations went to war, each convinced that they had God on their side?

So who won?

The Greeks, the Christians, the Muslims, maybe those Zen dudes?

Well, the army with the best plan, the best trained soldiers, the best equipment and leaders, supply lines, the biggest heart and biggest desire to win, they where the folks who succeeded.

I'm not suggesting that business is war, it's just an analogy and every analogy breaks down at a point.

It seems to me that the 'spiritual' entrepreneur and small business owner has a similar attitude, and it's killing them.

Here's the thing. Life, evolution and this creative process just does not care whether you're a good guy or not, whether your business is moral or not, whether your products fill a real or artificial scarcity need, and it certainly does not care about how hard you work and whether your intentions are noble or not.

Those business owners with the best plan and skills, biggest desire to succeed, and most tenacity end up doing better than those with less.

It seems that if you plan, manage and develop you business, like a business, it'll make money and if you don't, it won't.

There is no mystery to business. Learn the principals and apply them, repeatedly, until you develop the skills and get it right.

And yes, there is a huge difference between Traditional Business and Enlightened Business, but regardless, the purpose of your business remains the same.

Let's cut to the chase. What is the point or purpose of your business?

Sure, you want to do good things, share your bliss and help people, but you don't need a business to do that.

Sure, you want to create unique and compelling value and get involved in something that really curls your eyelashes, but you don't need a business to do that.

Sure, you want to find meaning and purpose, fulfilment and relevance, but you don't need a business to do that.

So, why have a business?


That's it. That's the whole purpose of business. To exchange value using money as the medium for that exchange.

What you do with the money you make, what you buy and what other types of businesses you support through your purchase of their products, is up to you.

Whether your products fill a real need or some artificially created, scarcity need is up to you. Whether you sales and marketing are manipulative, insincere or a downright lie is up to you. Whether your business and products can actually deliver the results you promise, is up to you.

What's the single biggest problem for spiritual entrepreneurs, independent professionals and small business owners - Yes, I talking to you yoga teachers and holistic healers.

You won't even let yourself admit that you have a business to begin with. Why? Because business is tainted, tarnished, corrupt, and Traditional Business is, but not Enlightened Business.

And here's the thing, whether you have a traditional business, based on the traditional mindset and using a traditional flow of logic, behaviour, strategies and tactics. Or whether you have an Enlightened Business based on a NEW mindset, using a new flow of logic, behaviour, strategies and tactics, the purpose of your business remains the same.

To Make Money.

If your business is making money then you're doing a good job of managing your business, and if it isn't, then you're not.

So here's an idea, instead of joining yet another spiritual program, why not focus on...

  • Developing a new vision, model and philosophy of enlightened business
  • Developing your 'enlightened' business skills.
  • Listening to the needs of your community and creating products to meet those needs.
  • Positioning, packaging and promoting those products.
  • Developing your marketing and sales skills.
  • Establishing the relevance of your business and products. 

And do yourself a favour; sort out those shadow money issues.

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