16 March 2011

What Do You Need To Believe In Order To Succeed

I would like to share with you a line of investigation which presented itself to me several weeks back and which has, and is, in the process of re-shaping my understanding of, and the way I related to, life.

The line of investigation is actually very simple

What is it that we really need to believe in order to live a deeply relevant, successful and meaningful life, and as a corollary to that, what is the most powerful personal practice we can engage in, to support and deepen an experience of that (a deeply relevant, successful and meaningful life)?

In other words, do I need to believe in any notion of either an anthropomorphic (mythic) God or higher intelligence. Do I need to believe in the continuation of my life, in any form, after my death. Do I even need to believe in an innate cosmic intelligence, beyond the compelling need to survive and fill emptiness (stuff abhors a vacuum), in order to experience relevance, meaning and purpose, be a good guy and play nicely with others, now.

We each need to investigate these questions, and it's not certain that you will, if you had to do this, come to the 'relative' conclusions I have. And let's precursor this, with the insight that there is no such thing as a final answer to anything - it's an unfolding investigation.

That being said, let me share with you, where I'm at.

To the degree that we are ignorant of ...

  • The workings of our psyche / psychological-self / soul / mindset (all the same thing) 
  • The relationship between our psyche and behaviour 
  • The relationship between our behaviour and the results we experience 
  • The relationship between our degree self-mastery and our quality of life 
  • How to best influence our environment and context (participate) 
  • The need for self-mastery / mindset-mastery / mastery over the totality of our psyche (all the same thing) 

... is to the degree that ...

  • We need to believe in anything outside of the need for self-mastery. 
  • We are stuck, frustrated and angry, since belief remains impervious to investigation and the fruits of investigation 
  • We are disempowered and enslaved to the very ideas, theories and beliefs we have created. 

And here's the kicker. In less than a year it's possible to gain a working and rewarding degree of self-mastery, which in turn opens up a life time of deepening influence, relevance, meaning, purpose and success. But, instead of taking that year we spend our whole life clinging to, defending and arguing about the unnecessary idea's which keep us stuck and ultimately limit our success.

Let me put it another way.

Almost anyone can spent their life building a struggling and/or ultimately unsuccessful business, and almost everyone does. If we recognise the general rule of thumb that says, anything can be mastered in 10 years. Why then can't we master business and build a sustainable, relevant and profitable business in 10 years, instead of spending our life, struggling.
Why, because we are ignorant of what it is that we need to master, and then obviously incapable of mastering it.

A most relevant personal growth or spiritual growth practice

Identify, live and build the life you want.

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