01 December 2010

Satisfying your needs is Your Life Purpose

The BIG picture 

Life evolves to satisfy it's own insatiable and evolving needs - and that's about as simple as it gets.


Close your eyes and for just a moment give yourself permission to imagine how you would feel, if all your needs where completely satisfied, right now as we speak.

Of course this is somewhat misleading, because if this where the case new ones would already have developed. There is always going to be tension between where we are and were we would like to be.
I call this evolutionary tension or healthy stress. 
One of the reasons we're so cranky as a species is because we're permanently starving. Fulfilling your needs is much like eating a scrumptious meal after being deprived, for what feels like, forever.

And now imagine that your needs are being met as a consequence of your business products meeting the real needs of others.

What could feel better than that?

Something miraculous emerges when the your life and business become a living expression of reconciling and satisfying these two real needs

And they are ... 
  • Yours - what you need?
  • Those of your friends, community, niche and clients - what others need and what you can offer to satisfy those needs
Contrary to popular belief

We begin by identifying our own, because our greatest creative need is to do - what we love doing - what we are good at doing - what we have developed specific skills around doing - what others experience as valuable.

Have you ever taken the time to seriously contemplate, acknowledged and embrace your own real needs?
By 'real' I mean any needs not motivate by fear or pain 
Those on the spiritual path tend to believe that this means sublimating their needs and desires

And those who aren't, tend to behave as if life is all about getting what they think they need, regardless of the consequences.

Enlightened Business is about intentionally, intelligently and creatively developing desire - transforming the resistance you feel - and learning to skilfully participate.

And to the extent that we can learn to do this, is to the same extent that you will begin to manifest your vision of the future.

Your real needs?

Let me offer this to begin
  • You need to CONNECT - you need relationship, love, intimacy and sex.
  • You need to CREATE (and contribute) - it's not called the creative process for nothing. We are our most confident, empowered and enthusiastic when our efforts are deeply aligned with our passions, abilities, skills, knowledge and our story. 
  • You need to MAKE MONEY - because life without money is unnecessarily painful.
So whip out a notebook and start jotting them down. No need to organise them yet, just write them down as they come into your awareness.

And don't forget to take ownership.

They are after all, your needs, and they won't be met - if you don't know what they are - have not developed an insatiable desire to have them fulfilled - developed the skills and skilful means necessary.

Missed anything?
If you discover anything I missed, please be sure to let me know. That way you can help fulfil my need, of needing to know yours. 
It's up to you

No-one else is response-able for you having your needs met. In much the same way that you can't be response-able for other people having theirs fulfilled.

The needs of your community

In order for your business products to effectively meet the needs of your niche, you must clearly know who they are, what they desire and why they desire it.

The real value of your business products is determined by the extent to which they are able to satisfy the real needs of your niche and community - how you have positioned and packaged these products.

Vocation means meeting needs

Your vocation and life purpose emerges, as a living expression in the space that mushrooms when your needs and the needs of your community collide.

There's a beautiful expression I heard the other day.
Your perfect client is searching for the real value your products offer, as hard as your business is searching for those perfect clients. 
Lean into your vocation

I'm not going to pretend it's easy because it isn't. It's not complicated, but simple is not the same as easy.

You are going to have to make serious efforts to get out of your own way.

But if living a fulfilling and rewarding life, which means a life in which all your needs are met, is your objective, then you're going to have to find a way.

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