Your business is a success and you're living the life you have always envisioned
So how did you get there?
Contrary to popular belief
You started at the end and worked backwards. This is important because popular belief has it all upside down, inside out and the wrong way round.
It's not about starting where you are and struggling to get where you want to be. I'll guarantee that this will only bring you more struggle, stress, tension and anxiety, followed by a string of failed and/or failing relationships.
The Traditional Mindset simply does not have the maturity to hold, reconcile and transcend these inherent contradictions, and this keeps us stuck.
The paradox
How can I start at the end and work from there. What does that even mean and why is it so important?
On the one hand, the Traditional Mindset simply can't see the logic in what I am saying and for good reason. It uses another logic, the one you are using right now and the one that runs your life and business. On the other, thanks to the Puritan work ethic, we believe deeply that we need to STRUGGLE in order to achieve success, and we simply can't comprehend success in any other way.
Let’s take a moment to acknowledge something fundamental, but which is rarely grasped. Is violence ever going to result in peace? Is flow, success and serenity ever going to be a consequence of struggle?
We all need to get VERY clear on this point.
Struggle is only ever going to bring more struggle, violence more violence, anger more anger and confusion more confusion. If you want success, flow, harmony, confidence, meaning and purpose, then you need to start with that, NOW, right from your very first step.
Because if you don't, you will simply be creating more of what you already have. If you are struggling to grow your business and make a decent profit and you hold the hope, trust and faith that at some point in the future it will change, you are wrong, it will not. You WILL only have MORE struggle, stress and frustratingly poor results.
Struggle is only ever going to bring more struggle, violence more violence, anger more anger and confusion more confusion. If you want success, flow, harmony, confidence, meaning and purpose, then you need to start with that, NOW, right from your very first step.
Because if you don't, you will simply be creating more of what you already have. If you are struggling to grow your business and make a decent profit and you hold the hope, trust and faith that at some point in the future it will change, you are wrong, it will not. You WILL only have MORE struggle, stress and frustratingly poor results.
Here's a top draw Enlightened Business Success Secret: You will not grasp and know how to effectively use the HOW, if you do not first fully comprehend the WHY.How?
Know, see and feel intimately into your future success, and then work from within that space to materialise your future. This is the creative process, sensing the possibility of the future and working now to manifest it.
And the past is going to provide you with the skills, knowledge and wisdom you are going to need (to the extent you've developed them), but it's also going to supply the resistance that you will need to transform, because resistance will ... s l o w .. d o w n ... the creative process.
The future then provides the vision and feeling and the past the skills, knowledge and wisdom, and you need both, now.
Start with how it feels to live the vision.
You have a successful business, it's earning those six figures, in US dollars not in Zimbabwean dollars, yes, and I know that trick. You have time, energy, passion, commitment and clients. You are appreciated, acknowledge, respected and sought after. You are participating in meaningful, fulfilling and rewarding relationships and life is good because you have purpose and confidence.
And then behave now in a way that is congruent with the feelings of your success in the future.
Transform resistance
You see, in this way there is no resistance, there is no struggle against what is. There is only working intelligently and creatively with your circumstances as the raw materials, you use to create the future you envision.
You are a master craftsman, you are a creator, creating the future that both you and I will live in. This is where your success starts.
Lose the vision and all is lost
Vision and imagination creates the inner context, which translates into your feelings, now. Lose the vision and you lose the feeling, loose the feeling and you will immediately find yourself back in resistance and struggle.
Your vision does not have to be right, it is simply an assumption that will change and evolve and you can let it change, but you need to have a very clear vision, and with 100% certainty, you can expect your past to resist. Learning how to transform resistances is therefore crucial.
Mindset is maturity
The Traditional Mindset is incapable of holding and transcending paradox. It struggles and misinterprets PRESENCE as a denial and suppression of both past and future.
The New Mindset, because it is more mature understands and is able to transcend paradox. It recognises that we work in the present moment with both the gifts and challenges of the past and future.
Envision, feel and work from within that space now. This is the key to your Enlightened Business Success.
Oh, and don't forget to transform resistance ...
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