23 April 2012

Making better decisions, faster and under pressure

In this article: In a context that's changing quickly, with more at stake, your capacity to make better decisions faster while under pressure, determines both success and enjoyment.

Psychological freedom -- The more uptight, tired, stressed or contracted your mind, the less intelligent the thinking. Creating mental space is a practise, holding it under pressure, an art.

Knowledge -- All decisions are made from within the context of existing knowledge. The more you know the greater your access to options, sophistication and complexity.

Constraints -- Every strategy is limited by either resources or context. Pushing back against real constraints waists time and energy, whereas creativity acknowledges and accepts them.

Intuition -- It's neither a mystery not a secret, but a powerful subtle psychological process lying prior to thought.

Contemplation -- Holding the question lightly without feeling the pressure to come up with a solution or answer. It's like trying to remember something that's on the tip of your tongue. The harder you try, the more difficult it is.

Identity -- Having a intentionally developed, carefully crafted and coherent personal and business philosophy.

Motive -- No matter what the quantitative results, if the motive was fear or anxiety there's a qualitative [quality of life] price to pay. It's an easy early trade-off, but sooner or later it catches up.

Skill -- Insightful, intelligent and aligned decisions need to be executed with an appropriate level of practised and demonstrated skill.

Trail and Error -- We learn by occasionally getting it right, but mostly by getting it wrong.

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