19 June 2012

Adolescence is always painful, not least for the rest of us

It's a mistake to believe that abundance is the opposite of scarcity and therefore plays by exactly the opposite rules. It's more useful and certainly more technically accurate to think of abundance as the next step in our human [psychological] evolution, which finally integrates the core learning points of both unconsciousness and scarcity consciousness.

From Unconsciousness to Scarcity to Abundance... to Relevance.

In the 1960's we witnessed necessary, but rather crude expressions of World Consciousness and the Woman's Liberation Movement. Over the past 50 years these expressions have developed and matured, are infinitely more sophisticated, complex and beautiful.

So to with Abundance Consciousness. Its earlier expressions held in stark contrast to the heaviness and pain of scarcity, and with it some mystical magical power to achieve all we want through wishful thinking and visualisation -- Usually corroborated by a few pointed anecdotes.

Abundance is not the opposite of scarcity, not is it prior to scarcity, not is it equal to scarcity. The age of [leisure] abundance lies after scarcity, because it's more complex, sophisticated and paradoxical, and depends on us as a culture transitioning through scarcity. It plays by new upside-down rules, redefining the realities of limit.

It only happens when we make the invisible [unconscious] rules now governing our world of progress visible. When visible, we have the opportunity to de-construct the ones no longer necessary and are keeping us trapped, transform the ones which have meaning but are still relatively immature, and create new ones.

It's by design.

We live in a world of finite resources and limitations. These do not go away because of a shift in consciousness; we just begin to experience, relate to and use them differently. We see abundance in deeper more subtle levels of reality, while respecting and working with the limitations of the finite more apparent world.

Scarcity is not limitation, and abundance is not without limit. Scarcity is a state of consciousness, a governing feeling, an experience and interpretation of life from which all strategies [even corporate] emanate. Limit is limit; constraints in any finite environment, exist.

More than anything, abundance is the adolescent human, growing up.

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