So wishing you a blessed Christmas and the most prosperous and abundant New Year possible. I will be making extraordinary efforts next year to provide you with more information, more tools and more support to help you do just that.
Perspective One
No matter who, or where you are, you're always at the your beginning.
No matter who, or where you are, you're always at the your beginning.
Is this true? Not sure, and does it matter? It's just a very helpful way of facing the uncertainty and complexity of living.
There's something liberating in acknowledging that you're at the beginning. It's exciting, challenging and a little scary, but it's also open and filled with potential and possibility and untarnished with the clutter and regret of yesterday.
There's something liberating in acknowledging that you're at the beginning. It's exciting, challenging and a little scary, but it's also open and filled with potential and possibility and untarnished with the clutter and regret of yesterday.