23 October 2011

Is Presence All It's Cracked Up To Be

Presence is space and time, but all the space and time in the world is not going to help you if your vision, thinking, beliefs, assumptions, reasoning and skills are trapped in spirals of dysfunctionality.

A guy with a knife come charging at you, kamikaze style. You notice and right away things slow way down, like shifting gears in a car. Not like slow motion or walking through water, you just feel calm, centred and very alert and you have time to look around and think in surprisingly complex ways, and calculate. This gives you an edge, but only if your not thinking in circles.

You’re in a super heightened state of alertness where your senses and thinking are turbocharged, but without tension or anxiety, in fact you’ve dropped a notch and are super relaxed

This is called presence and if you’ve done the time (training) you’ll have access to it, but it’s in times of crisis that you really notice and need it, call it the moments of measure. Cos it’s not often a guy with a rising sun bandanna and a carving knife comes charging at you screaming ... banzai ...

That gets me thinking about our friend the haka’ring Maori ... wonder what’s up with him.

Ok, so presence, freedom, space, call it what you will, has its uses and I’m sure you get that.

But here’s the thing ...

With all the time in the world, if you haven’t developed a vision and purpose and new creative and strategic ways of thinking, which includes rationalising your beliefs and assumptions and developing skills and your capacity to hear, interpret and respond to your intuition, you’re not gonna be much better off than you were when walking around in a coma.

Yes, it is complex and yes there is a lot to learn, but we all face big challenges and reductionist simplistic thinking, which may appear to solve complex problems, only ends up making them worse.

And training your vision, thinking, reasoning, logic, intuition and skills without developing presence is just as erroneous, because although we need new ways of thinking and reasoning to solve big problems,without space, time and objectivity we remain trapped in circles.

It’s in the moments of crisis that we get to check if the work we’ve done, has stuck.

And even using the better equipment will not automatically translate into better result, cos there’s about a billion things influencing what it is that you end up doing. It’s simply a process of trial and error and over time noticing slowly improving outcomes.

Which of course is why you need to be very clear about why you’re doing it - i.e. developing your capacity to be present, transforming your thinking, reasoning and logic and developing your skills and intuition - to begin with, because more than likely your results, at the beginning, are gonna be worse and not better.

I know, I can be a party pooper.

Guess that’s why most people only start when they’re in crisis and things just couldn’t get any worse. Or business changes when they’re staring bankruptcy in the eyeballs. Or, and this is apt, humanity changes only when we get that we might really be facing extinction.

Go figure ...

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