My daughters have a Pooh Bear Video series called ..., ok, it’s all in Chinese, so who the hell knows what it’s called ...
My greatest source of academic material at the moment is Barbie, Pooh Bear and Mickey Mouse, so if you would like to know what Barbie would do in a challenging situation, please feel free to give me a call. Although I must say, I prefer Pooh Bear’s conflict resolution techniques, I mean what problems can’t be solved with more honey.
I jest not, world leaders again, again and again prove to us that the solution to problems is simply to print more money. As they do this the value of money declines and the problem which was never really about money to begin with, is still there ... surprisingly.
I call it the Pooh Bear technique and Mugabe and Obama, and countless others, are obviously avid students of the Pooh Bear Economic school of thought. As highly respected and well thought out as this approach is, it seems for the rest of us, in the trenches, based on the results where experiencing, that’s it’s just not working.
Wonder if I should suggest honey to them, that might work better, and it’s tasty too.
Anyway, Pooh Bear, Tiger, Roo and some newbie usurper girl who I’ve never seen before in 100 acres wood, start this problem solving action response team. I’m sure you’re all aware of the perils of living in the 100 acre woods, and the necessity of 24hr emergency response teams.
As challenging as this is for Pooh, there motto is ‘Think Think Think’. They even have a catchy little song, again it’s all in Chinese, so besides the chorus of ‘Think, Think, Think’, I actually have no clue of what they’re talking about.
But I do see them tap there heads furiously and I see little ‘thought’ balloons pop up, so I assume they’re thinking and for this I am grateful, because as anyone with young children would know, they simply don’t think ... nadah, zilch.
Well that’s not true, there are many forms of thinking, but obviously I’m talking about rational thinking, which emerged into world consciousness about 400 years ago and seems to be beginning to take hold ... well hopefully soon at any rate.
Because what we know of as rational thinking, is ... how do I put this delicately, is irrational. By this I mean that the assumption, logic and behaviour are contradictory to the stated objectives. Let me use an example. We desire peace, but we go to war to achieve it, we seek financial stability but the money system in inherently designed to be unstable and actually invites influence and manipulation.
Ever seen that image when some lost and confused guy is beating on his poor wife, at the same time as saying, I’m doing this because I love you, I love you so much I find I have to beat you. That’s irrational right, I mean there’s a massive disconnect between observable behaviour and stated intent.
Yet, and this is the real bummer, we try to solve our problems, with thinking that is as irrational as that. And of course just like the dude beating his wife, he can’t for the life of himself see the incongruity and complete irrationality of the whole thing.
Thinking can not be divorced from logic and logic can not be divorced from mindset assumptions, beliefs, knowledge and the scars of past trauma. I assert that thinking, which I call observable behaviour is nothing more than a flow of logic and if the logic is irrational, which it must be if mindset is unmastered, then so to, obviously, must the thinking be.
Where’s that honey ...
Thinking can not be divorced from logic and logic can not be divorced from mindset assumptions, beliefs, knowledge and the scars of past trauma. I assert that thinking, which I call observable behaviour is nothing more than a flow of logic and if the logic is irrational, which it must be if mindset is unmastered, then so to, obviously, must the thinking be.
This is such an unexamined topic. We all see the irrationality of immaturity, but we firstly can't see it in ourselves and even if we did, we don't know why it there and therefore how to 'solve' the problem. As an example, as the USA itself defines terrorism, it is the biggest terrorist organization in the world, but for the life of them 'regime leaders', they simply can't see the irrational and flawed logic. And how could they. Not picking on USA, just a useful example. It becomes much easier to see and resolve when we work on the assumptive base itself and then that, if we care to look, will throw into stark contrast the irrationality of the logic - now we have something to work with.